martedì 16 maggio 2017

App google news ipad

Trova il tuo Tablet Apple ai Prezzi più Bassi su Trovaprezzi. Search News About Ipad. If I needed a Apple news app view, I would use the Apple News app. Find quick , explore your interests, and stay up to date with Discover. Scaricare la nuova app Se utilizzavi Play Edicola.

Check for app updates on the App Store.

To see new stories, open your app and swipe down on the screen. Another The Daily-inspired news magazine app , this one is free and worth checking out for yourself. This is built-in to the News app , but you do not need a subscription to use the News app. Do you have a favorite news app ? Let me know in the comments below! We may earn a commission for purchases.

Puoi trovare risposte rapide, esplorare le tue passioni e ricevere un feed di aggiornamenti su ciò che ti interessa. Entra nel mondo di iPad.

Con iPad Pro in due formati, iPad Air e iPad mini. Vai sul sito Apple per informazioni, acquisti e assistenza. Apple News “Apple News ” has got everything you ask from a top-notch news app.

Plus, it takes the utmost advantage of the ultra-large screen of the iPad to make your reading a pleasant experience. It’s where you will have quick access to all the trending stories from famous news sources. Per terminare, tocca Fine. Su iPad con iPadOS, puoi anche salvare i widget in modo che siano sempre disponibili sulla schermata Home usando il layout Altre app. I nuovi modelli di iPad ci fanno aspettare la loro uscita da ormai un po’ di tempo.

Launch the News app from your Home screen. Tap one of the three options along the bottom of your screen. On the iPad , these sections are in the sidebar, and there is now Following section, as everything you follow is in the sidebar as well.

The BBC news app for the iPad provides a great way to get caught up on world issues. The app features news from Europe, Latin America, UK, Asia-Pacific, South Asia, Middle East, and Africa. Many of the stories include a video segment to go along with it. Press question mark to see.

The app is rolling out some time in the next week, but here are the highlights for what it’ll contain. Files permetterà una visualizzazione a colonna per sfruttare il largo schermo degli iPad , iCloud Drive permetterà la condivisione di cartelle e mostrerà i contenuti delle chiavette USB o delle schede SD collegate. The revamped News app is replacing Newsstand which hardly got any love from the company.

If you need to get your news fix, USA Today is one of the best news apps in the app store. Oltre a questi premi, Apple ha anche rivelato quali app e giochi sono stati più scaricati. As you can see in our video, whether you’re doing research and comparing , or exploring beautiful imagery, we have added new features to make the app more interactive, more visual and to help you find what you want more easily. Tutte le notizie sul iPad grazie a All News Pro App in 1. OS che rimpiazza Edicola. So, which one is your favorite news app ? I know you are spoilt for choice.

But it would be really interesting to know your pick. Besides, let us know the qualities you wish to see in a top news reader app.

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